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Steel space grid gas station project construction

Þetta verkefni er ferningur rýmisgrind / hæð 16 metrar / heildarlengd 30 metrar / heildar span 18 metrar

1. Uppsetning stálrýmisgrindarinnar verður að fara fram eftir að neðri byggingarásinn og innfellda borðið hefur verið samþykkt.Kröfurnar fyrir neðri stuðninginn eru: hæðarmunur á aðliggjandi stuðningi (fjarlægð L2): lægra gildið L2/800 og 10 mm, í sömu hæð Hæð munur á hæstu og lægstu stuðningi: 20 mm;

2. Ákvarða uppsetningarferlið stálrýmisgrindarinnar í samræmi við kraft og byggingareiginleika ristarinnar og raunveruleg byggingarskilyrði á staðnum;

3. Eftir að stálrýmisgrindin hefur verið sett upp ætti að athuga það:

a.Leyfilegt gildi lóðrétta og lárétta hliðarlengdarfráviks er 1/2000 af lengdinni og ætti ekki að vera meira en 30 mm;

b.Leyfilegt gildi miðjufráviks ætti að vera 1/3000 af breidd stálrýmisgrindarinnar og ætti ekki að vera meira en 30 mm;

c.Fyrir möskvagrind sem studd er af jaðrinum er leyfilegt hæðarfrávik 1/400 af aðliggjandi stuðningi og ætti ekki að vera meira en 15 mm og hámark og lágmark ætti ekki að vera meira en 30 mm;fyrir möskvagrind sem er studd af mörgum punktum er leyfilegt hæðarfrávik 1/800 af aðliggjandi stuðningi og ætti ekki að vera meira en 30 mm;

d.Finndu sveigju ristarinnar í samræmi við forskriftir og hönnunarkröfur.Eftir byggingu skal sveigjan á stálrýmisgrindinni ekki vera meiri en 115% af útreikningsgildi hönnunar.(Hámarksbeygingargildi ristramma L/250)

4. Ef það eru suðukúlur á staðnum, er grópsuðu notað til að suða suðukúluna og stöngina og suðusaumurinn ætti ekki að vera lægri en önnur einkunn.

5. Eftir að uppsetningu stálrýmisgrindarinnar er lokið ætti yfirborð rýmisramma samskeyti og stangir að vera hreint og laust við ör og óhreinindi.Samskeyti og umframgöt á boltakúlusamskeytum ættu að vera fyllt og innsiglað með fitu.

6. Meðan á notkun ristarinnar stendur ætti að framkvæma alhliða ryðvarnarviðhald á 4 til 5 ára fresti.


1. The installation of the grid frame must be carried out after the acceptance of the lower structure axis and the embedded board. The requirements for the lower support are: the height difference between adjacent supports (distance L2): the smaller value of L2/800 and 10mm, at the same elevation Height difference between the highest and lowest support: 20mm; 2. Determine the installation process of the grid according to the force and structural characteristics of the grid and the actual construction conditions on site; 3. After the grid frame is installed, it should be checked: a. The allowable value of the vertical and horizontal side length deviation is 1/2000 of the length, and should not be greater than 30mm; b. The allowable value of center offset should be 1/3000 of the span of the grid, and should not be greater than 30mm; c. For the mesh frame supported by the periphery, the allowable height deviation is 1/400 of the adjacent support, and should not be greater than 15mm, and the maximum and minimum should not be greater than 30mm; for the mesh frame supported by multiple points, the allowable height deviation is 1/800 of the adjacent support, and should not be greater than 30mm; d. Detect the deflection of the grid according to the specifications and design requirements. After construction, the deflection of the grid frame shall not be greater than 115% of the design calculation value. (Maximum deflection value of grid frame L/250) 4. If there are welding balls locally, groove welding is used for welding the welding ball and the rod, and the welding seam grade should not be lower than the second grade. 5. After the installation of the grid frame is completed, the surface of the joints and rods should be clean and free of scars and dirt. The joints and excess holes of the bolt ball joints should be filled and sealed with grease. 6. During the use of the grid, comprehensive anti-corrosion maintenance should be carried out every 4 to 5 years.
1. The installation of the grid frame must be carried out after the acceptance of the lower structure axis and the embedded board. The requirements for the lower support are: the height difference between adjacent supports (distance L2): the smaller value of L2/800 and 10mm, at the same elevation Height difference between the highest and lowest support: 20mm; 2. Determine the installation process of the grid according to the force and structural characteristics of the grid and the actual construction conditions on site; 3. After the grid frame is installed, it should be checked: a. The allowable value of the vertical and horizontal side length deviation is 1/2000 of the length, and should not be greater than 30mm; b. The allowable value of center offset should be 1/3000 of the span of the grid, and should not be greater than 30mm; c. For the mesh frame supported by the periphery, the allowable height deviation is 1/400 of the adjacent support, and should not be greater than 15mm, and the maximum and minimum should not be greater than 30mm; for the mesh frame supported by multiple points, the allowable height deviation is 1/800 of the adjacent support, and should not be greater than 30mm; d. Detect the deflection of the grid according to the specifications and design requirements. After construction, the deflection of the grid frame shall not be greater than 115% of the design calculation value. (Maximum deflection value of grid frame L/250) 4. If there are welding balls locally, groove welding is used for welding the welding ball and the rod, and the welding seam grade should not be lower than the second grade. 5. After the installation of the grid frame is completed, the surface of the joints and rods should be clean and free of scars and dirt. The joints and excess holes of the bolt ball joints should be filled and sealed with grease. 6. During the use of the grid, comprehensive anti-corrosion maintenance should be carried out every 4 to 5 years.
1. The installation of the grid frame must be carried out after the acceptance of the lower structure axis and the embedded board. The requirements for the lower support are: the height difference between adjacent supports (distance L2): the smaller value of L2/800 and 10mm, at the same elevation Height difference between the highest and lowest support: 20mm; 2. Determine the installation process of the grid according to the force and structural characteristics of the grid and the actual construction conditions on site; 3. After the grid frame is installed, it should be checked: a. The allowable value of the vertical and horizontal side length deviation is 1/2000 of the length, and should not be greater than 30mm; b. The allowable value of center offset should be 1/3000 of the span of the grid, and should not be greater than 30mm; c. For the mesh frame supported by the periphery, the allowable height deviation is 1/400 of the adjacent support, and should not be greater than 15mm, and the maximum and minimum should not be greater than 30mm; for the mesh frame supported by multiple points, the allowable height deviation is 1/800 of the adjacent support, and should not be greater than 30mm; d. Detect the deflection of the grid according to the specifications and design requirements. After construction, the deflection of the grid frame shall not be greater than 115% of the design calculation value. (Maximum deflection value of grid frame L/250) 4. If there are welding balls locally, groove welding is used for welding the welding ball and the rod, and the welding seam grade should not be lower than the second grade. 5. After the installation of the grid frame is completed, the surface of the joints and rods should be clean and free of scars and dirt. The joints and excess holes of the bolt ball joints should be filled and sealed with grease. 6. During the use of the grid, comprehensive anti-corrosion maintenance should be carried out every 4 to 5 years.

Pósttími: Mar-10-2022